Wednesday, January 18, 2012

...I want to be just like him...

Two blogs in one day...I think I just broke my record!

I have to quit writing so late at night. My mind doesn’t shut down when my head hits the pillow. It continues to search through that “junk drawer” for the next inspiring thought, the right word that’s hiding under the pile of nuts and bolts, or a memory that makes me jolt out of bed and back to my laptop. That didn’t happen last night, but, when I woke this morning the first thing I thought of is a curmudgeon. Strange, huh? I thought it was too.

Curmudgeon, an interesting word isn’t it? The first words that come to mind if I didn’t know what the word meant would be another description of a troll, an ogre, or an uncouth Neanderthal of sorts. We’ve all known a few curmudgeons throughout our life and right now, I can name a handful of them.

Not long ago, we went to the funeral of a business associate. The minister was a friend of the man who passed away. I remember my reaction when he referred to the deceased as a curmudgeon several times throughout the eulogy. I was stunned and almost appalled that someone, even a friend, would candidly speak about him in that way. As the minister proceeded to speak about his friend, he pointed out all the good he did and all the selfless hours he gave of himself to influence the youth in our community. I saw the expressions on many faces soften, many of those, including myself, who probably never knew a fraction of the things he was involved in, and I can truly say when the service was over, I am glad our paths have briefly crossed.

Today’s thoughts are not about the loss of someone I wish I knew better. It’s about how people perceive a curmudgeon. The label usually refers to a crotchety, ill-tempered old fart. A cynical party pooper who likes to piss on a parade once in a while…a pessimist, full of resentment and stubborn notions about too many subjects to list today. A good portrayal of some curmudgeon’s is done through primetime adult cartoons, for instance, when Homer Simpson’s dad, Grampa Abe Simpson (I had to google his name) comments on all the ugly people. Did he not look in the mirror? No, I don’t watch those kinds of shows. Unfortunately, I am one of millions who are subjected to seeing clips on the network that promote them. I consider it a waste of my time and my intelligence which I will never get back…but, maybe some of those writers know a few curmudgeons and poke fun of them while possibly trying to make a point. Who the heck knows.

The curmudgeon’s I personally know have a rough, in your face exterior, and scare most people off for one reason or another. Maybe it’s because they don’t have “happy” eyes. I’m not going to delve into those reasons, because there are too many scenarios, like there are too many personalities. But, if you ever get to know one, under that burnt crust lies a heart of gold, and he will “give you the shirt off his back” with genuine generosity and probably a smile on his heavy lined face. He’ll also tell you not to tell anyone or he’d have to kill you.

Curmudgeons are proud, but misunderstood. They walk a straight and narrow line, and most will tell you the truth, however blunt it may be. People don’t like hearing the truth and avoid confrontation with them, therefore, pegging them as opinionated assholes. I don’t know what made them the way they are. However, if you do know one, you can only surmise something happened in their past that made them who they are. But, (here’s the big but) then again, some may have just inherited the asshole gene. As I said before…who knows.

Once you get to know a few of these misunderstood curmudgeons, you will discover they are some of the most loving, kind and giving folks, you have ever known. Some of them are happy with themselves and boldly defend their convictions and/or the rights of others. Nothing seems to bother them. They can tell you where to go and give you instructions on how to go about doing it. They can balance their problems firmly on their large shoulders and gently let it roll down and bounce off their asses. And, they can do it without anyone seeing how it’s done.

Everyone puts a guard up to keep from being hurt or used at one time or another. Some of those guards are invisible as we are force fed the verbal abuse put on our plates. I’m tired of being prim, proper, and “nice.” I secretly envy curmudgeons. I always have, and I want to be like one. I want to be able to tell someone to f#%k off without guilt. I want to know where I can take lessons before I’m too old and don’t give a crap. So, if you or someone you know is willing to accept cash…I will be a willing participant!


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