Sunday, March 20, 2011


You can say that you will never matter if you win or if you lose. The world won’t care. You can change a stranger’s life by letting yours begin by taking a chance. Chance is everywhere, like the car you drive to work or the cool rain that falls on springtime air. On and on chance flies, like the time we’ve lost, it’s either running out or covers our dreams in rust.

Every night the TV shows one more day’s bad events on the news, a world away from what I know. If I could save a stranger’s life…if I had only one single clue…and on and on it goes. I don’t remember a voice on that lonesome road when I started my journey long ago. I was only just trying to outrun the noise and there was never a question of choice.

Life is just something that employs us until we die, knowing that the sun will come up every morning and set every night. So, I say people, gather up your life story; your old love letters, your faded pictures, books and records, every sunset in the sky and carry them along with your maps to the future with the friends who make you sing. Let the stars guide you to help you find your place with your music, your hope and amazing grace. Let’s not worry; I think we will all be just fine…

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