“My name is Monica, and I’m a top-notch worrier.”
I used to worry. A lot. Trivial things bothered me. I was proficient at causing more misery. Anxiety propagates anxiety. I even worried that I worried too much! Ulcers might develop. My health could fail. I could have a heart attack, or a stroke. I was afraid that the burden would become too heavy and my health would give too much of itself to pick up the extra load. My finances could deplete to pay the hospital bills. I could lose my house. I could end up homeless… Good Grief!
A comedian once said, "I tried to drown my worries with gin, but my worries are equipped with flotation devices." While not a drinker, I certainly could identify. My worries could run, jump, and pole vault!
"Monica, you need to learn to wait to worry." I said that over a year ago when I was rudely awakened by a jab to my self-esteem and decided to live by those words.
The average worrier is 92% inefficient. Only 8% of what we worry about ever comes true. I decided that I would wait to worry until I actually had a reason to worry something that was happening, not just something that might happen before I worried. Until I know differently, I refuse to worry. And I don't (I’m still working on it). Waiting to worry helps me develop the habit of not worrying and that helps me not be tempted to worry.
I love Bob Marley’s simple lyrics. There is so much wisdom in the lyrics, ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’. “In every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it double, don't worry, be happy… cos when you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down, so don't worry, be happy…”
"Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength."
As of this writing, I am proud to say my husband admits there must be something to all this non-worrying. With some resistance, he is implementing the practice of waiting to worry and he is finding out, life is happening a little less stressed. Smile and be well!
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