What is the price of an afternoon when a small child is soothed in your arms, when the sun bolts through a doorway and both you and the child are very young? ~Dorothy Evslin
How many times can you honestly say you write publicly about your family? Many of you will say you never have. I have shared a few stories about my parents and I how I wish I told them how much I appreciated them while they were alive. Myself, and each of my siblings have our own version what went on in our home growing up, most of us disagreeing with the other, and each argues our version is the correct version. I’m not going to write about my family but I am going to write about mothers in general.
Lately, I’ve had several conversations about mothers—my mother, my friend’s mother’s, and other family members mother’s—most of all who have left us. Whether we are young or older children of passing mothers, we’ve learned to pick up the pieces and move on with our lives with the lessons they taught us. The conversation I had with an old friend this morning left me thinking how people’s lives are impacted after their own mother’s passing, and how their beautiful souls will never be replaced. One friend told me that the passing of her mother defies speech and can only write about in her personal journal. Why would we want to replace them with a surrogate? Why would anyone want to replace what was a significant part of your life?

Motherhood brings as much joy as ever, but it still brings boredom, exhaustion, and sorrow too. Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop his own individuality—especially when you struggle to keep your own.
I got a call last week from my daughter-in-law, telling me my son was in a motorcycle accident on his way to work. I had visions of what my son told me about some of the wrecks he had to attend to before the words from my daughter-in-laws lips said, “He’s going to be okay.” At that moment, I only began to understand what my brother and his wife went through after losing their oldest child. Thank God, the accident wasn’t as serious as it could have been, but nonetheless, it was unnerving at the moment. I’ve never been an emotional person to the outside world, and my husband didn’t understand the surge of anger that poured out from me from the profound loss we could have endured. Several years ago, I worked with a woman who lost her only son in a car accident, she explained how she felt and she told me with tears streaking her pained face, “The pain of losing him was like someone poured acid all over my body, then set me on fire.” I shared this with my grieving brother and sister-in-law, my brother looked at me with intense pain in his heart and said, “No...it’s worse.”
Motherhood is a hard act to follow, it’s been transformed into art, and the artistry has been shaped by maternity. Perhaps, the meanings of motherhood are as mysteriously multiple and contradictory as the meaning of life itself…
I could go on and on about the love we have for our children, for our mothers, and for our grandmothers. I can share the sorrow and loss of a miscarriage, but I won't...not tonight. I want to end these thoughts with a smile as I think of my daughter and my granddaughter who is carrying my first great-grandchild, and how the circle of life continues...
P.S. By the way, Mom, you’ll be glad to know I eat tomatoes and mushrooms now. Oh, and remember how I stuffed the lima beans in my cheeks and then had to use the bathroom? Well, I spit ‘em in the toilet and yes, even though I’m all grown up—I still refuse to eat them! I see you smiling from above…With Love
Bravo Monica, for telling it how you see it! Makes me wonder what the next subject will be.
I'm curious who the pictures are. Are they relatives? Please share with us if you don't mind.
The first picture is my mother-in-love holding what would be my husband of 40 years. The second is my grandmother on my mother's side at 91 years old. The third is my grandmother on my dad's side on a camping trip in 1918, my dad is the one on the far right. The last picture is my mother, taken in 1933.
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