I sit here gazing at a blank page. The page is blank, but my thoughts are not. I have the urgent need to express some of them, but don’t know exactly where to start. I like being so consumed by an activity that my feelings about whatever I am thinking becomes a reality (well, eventually).

When I look to the sky, somewhere amongst my thoughts is always God and His wondrous creations, and how very fortunate we are to be a part of His plan. I also relate the level of clouds to the nine celestial hierarchies of Angels. I attended Catholic school, and was utterly fascinated by angels. We didn’t learn as much as I would have liked, so I studied about them on my own, Seraphim, Cherubim, Orpanim, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities (prince of angels), Powers, Archangels, and Angels (our guardian angel). I was taught at an early age, God assigns one guardian angel to each person as a spiritual friend for the person’s entire life on Earth. From the moment we are born, to the day we die, we are surrounded by their watchful care and intercession. Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading that person to eternal life.
Back then, that was a lot of information for a young mind to ponder. It disturbed me knowing an unseen entity is watching over my every move, like dressing, bathing and going to the bathroom (yes, these are things kids think about). I eventually got over musing about those trivial events and wondered if intuition was actually my guardian angel talking to me through subliminal messages, or thoughts. In my mind it was, and therefore, I took heed of most of those messages. Several times, I avoided accidents or something told me not to do what I really wanted to do, making me a believer in “trust your gut.” I have also heard that angels are thoughts or messages from God. Yes, there is much to be said about the subject of angels, far more than I am educated to write about. I never studied Theology and can only express what I believe in and have experienced. And, this is what I believe about angels.
I believe we see an angel in every child’s face.
How can you not believe in angels when you hear a children’s choir?
I believe my friend when she says Seraphim has comforted her after the loss of her husband.
I believe the look of serenity on my mother's and my mother-in-law’s face before they passed away was due to their angels taking them to their eternal home.
I believe angles help our friends lift us up in times of need.
I believe that if an atheist makes snow angels, they believe.
I believe my brother felt the kiss of an angel as a child.
I believe an angel was with me when I miscarried.
I believe an angel called my name. It was loud, clear, and unmistakenable.
I believe you experience their presence in music, scents, and in the splendor of nature.

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