Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tonight's Pondering ... “Déjà Vu.”

“Déjà Vu.” What a sexy expression, don’t you think? My heritage is French, and I love this expression derived from the French meaning, “already seen.” Unfortunately, I do not speak French, but I can understand a little if someone speaks slowly. This pondering is not about sex, although that would be a delicious subject to write about…but, not tonight.

Most of us, I’m sure, have experienced something familiar with the reaction, “I’m certain I’ve been here,” or “Hey, I think I’ve done this before.” I know I have, numerous times. Déjà vu sparks a memory of a place we have already been, maybe a person we have met before, or the feeling we’ve done an action before. I have been in tuned to these feelings most of my life and tried to figure them out. Is it a signal to pay attention to what is taking place or maybe complete what hasn’t been finished? I don’t know.

Some say it may be a past life experience, a memory from a dream, a precognition or even reincarnation. I think it’s something unexplained, something beyond the limits of memory, an offering to expand knowledge about ourselves. I don’t know about you, but when that vivid sensation overcomes me, I don that blank “doe in headlights look,” trying to decipher when or where it took place. Then, when I happen to look off to my side, I see the look of bewilderment washing over the face of whomever I’m with, and he or she wants to know what I was smoking or what planet I was visiting.

But seriously, most of us are raised to consider that anyone who isn’t a member of our family or an immediate group of friends, to be a stranger. Then there are times, you meet a total strange and something clicks, you feel deep inside you’ve known for years. I have been fortunate enough to know a few friends like that. This is what prompted me to write about this subject tonight. You feel comfortable in each other’s presence with no pretense. You can talk to them about anything and they understand exactly what you’re trying to say. You share experiences and you laugh easily with them. The tone of their voice, the way they drink their coffee, all seem commonplace and perfectly natural. It isn’t that they remind you of someone else or their qualities are simply enchanting. You don’t relate to them as strangers, but as an equal with whom you share like mind and in some cases, soul. It’s mystical, it’s magical and sometimes…just plain groovy!

Time to end my pondering…



Anonymous said...

Deja Vu....you are of the French, I of the Native American Indian. As everyone comes from somewhere, we all...more then others, have our own belief's of what live, and will someday become. For me, personally, Deja Vu is where my spirit go's when my body sleeps. It wonders freely, without fear of anything, but with respect to everything. When awake, and I have that moment of "I think I've done or been here before"...it is that overflow of what and where my spirit has been and done. Sometimes I feel the presents of the spirits visited. It's nothing to fear, but it is everything to hold in one's heart. I take great pleasure in wrapping myself around the feelings and welcome them back in my sleep.

Mother Earth, Father Moon, Oh Great Spirit, Keep Us Safe...

Monica said...

I love your rendition, it was beautifully said. I'm glad you were willing to share your thoughts. ~M