Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello, Friend...

Charlie Brown’s wisdom with a few words of my own. I think it applies to everyone…

Wouldn’t it be grand if we could get all the people together that we really like and then just stay together? We all know that wouldn’t work. Eventually, someone would leave. Someone always leaves…sometimes they leave for a short time and we say “so long” or we bid them “adieu”, “farewell”, or “see ya later alligator.”

“Sometimes they’re gone forever. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes…I know what I need. I need more hellos.” Charlie Brown

Thanks to the Internet, I have said “hello” to many friends and a few family members I had left behind while I struggled against the wind to make a life I could call my own. The saying, “there is a reason they didn’t make it to your future,” was who’s fault? Was it their lack of wanting a lasting friendship, or was I so caught up in my own life and didn’t notice I left them behind? Who knows…it’s a question that can be pondered upon or pounded to a pulp…it doesn’t matter because there is no right or wrong answer.

I am very thankful for those I have found. A few I left behind because I didn’t give a rat’s ass about them then and I still don’t care. I see those people with their pictures plastered all over the popular “friend” sites, and try as I may…I still don’t want them for my friends even if I am nosey about their lives. Oh, and I’m also certain the feeling is mutual when they see my pictures or blogs plastered all over Facebook. I see you laughing now!

“Hello,” to the few that were left behind that I didn’t know was still hanging on to a single thread of friendship, hoping that the sweater I had on didn’t completely unravel before I discovered they were still a part of my life. That was my loss and I’m sorry.

“Hello,” to the one or two who had a major impact on my life way back when… and have caught up to me to make a profound difference in my world now.

“Hello,” to my new friends. The friends who were looking and I didn’t see.

“Hello,” to my new friends that didn’t see me, when I was looking at you.

To all my friends…I am privileged to be a part of your life, however small it may be.

When you pass through this blog, say “Hello” and let me know you stopped by…I’d love to hear from you!


Unknown said...

Hello, my friend!

Nina said...

Hello, Monica!

Anonymous said...

Some nights when I can't sleep, or the world just won't let me rest, and my memories haunt me, I come to your blog and read a bit. Tonight the wind blows and howls, saying ok, here it comes....winter. Freinds are like the seasons, they come with a new begining, while sadly pushing out the old. Winter is now pushing out our beautiful fall, just as fall has pushed away the summer, and the summer, the spring, and it go's on and on and on. As it should be. I had a very injoyable conversation with am old freind today, and I felt the old season of my late teens being pushed away by the new season of a renewed freindship and being replaced. I cried for the loss of what we never got to do. The girl talk, the giggles, painting nails, hair rollers, and praticing kissing on the mirror. My boyfriends cuter then yours, and my mom makes the best pie. I hate that teacher, lets skip class. All that girly girl stuff. My kids, your kids, grand kids. I cried for that lost season, and then smiled because my friend has come back into my life. We are brused, grey, some wrinkles have shown up, and we call ourselves women...but inside we are still "girls"....with a brand new season to laugh, love, cry, and rejoice in. The seasons come and go so the earth can renew herself. I believe our friendship has done the same. Without the loss there could not be a "found".
I have thought of you many many times in all these years. I missed you, and didn't even know it. I love you too girlfriend...